Thursday, May 9, 2019

Benefits of Using Private Security Officers in Hospitals

Even though today’s hospitals are equipped with surveillance systems, sometimes surveillance systems aren’t enough. Consider hiring private security officers from National Security & Protective Services, a leading security agency in Louisiana, so your area hospital can address threats more immediately than surveillance cameras can.

Unfortunately, the rates of physical violence in hospitals have increased over the years. Patients, visitors, and hospital employees may be subject to threats or assault. The presence of security officers helps to deter potential offenders from committing violent acts because they realize they will probably get caught. Also, when physical altercations do occur, you have trained officers who can quickly address the situation before any serious harm is done.

Security personnel onsite also help to deter theft and ensure that thieves are caught before they get away. In addition to petty theft, medications are often stolen from hospitals, which is considered a more serious crime. Choosing to hire a trained security officer ensures you have assistance in such situations as these.

Violence may not always be the top concern to be addressed. Even non-violent disorderly conduct, such as billing disputes, can have consequences. When patients or visitors are belligerent, they need to be calmed down. If no security officers are present, this responsibility falls on doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. The job of staff members should not be to deal with unruly visitors, because that takes time and energy away from treating their patients.

Call National Security & Protective Services at (877) 817-1777 to find out more about how we can help assure the safety and security of everyone in your hospital or medical facility.

Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to our blog! Thanks for your interest in our private security agency, which provides security for businesses of all sizes and complexities. You can trust our trained staff because all of our backgrounds are in the military, law enforcement, and private security firms. We’ve got you covered whether you need special discrete protection of individuals or you require investigative expertise. Our goal is your safety, security, and peace of mind.

We tailor all of our security packages to suit the needs and budgets of our clients. We offer a wide range of security services, including the following, which are only some of the areas we specialize in:

·         Protection of Industrial Property
·         Executive Protection
·         Building Surveillance & Security
·         Services for Transportation
·         Hostile Termination Services
·         Asset Protection
·         Special Event Security
·         Private Investigations
·         Loss Prevention
·         Gate Duty

Our commitment is to the highest standards and best practices in the professional security industry. We have patrol cars and uniformed officers available for any application you need from a security agency in Louisiana. Although we keep up with cutting-edge technology and the advancement in training techniques, our pricing remains competitive. Rely on the friendly professionals at National Security & Protective Services to develop and implement a security plan that provides the solutions you need for a job of any size.

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Most Common Requests for Security Services

Most business owners employ some form of security. Whether it’s video surveillance, theft alarms, or uniformed personnel, the majority of proprietors have taken steps to protect their livelihoods. But have you?

As a business owner, it’s important to understand why having private security in Louisiana is a smart move for your profits and your people. Crime comes in many forms, and when thieves, vandals, or loiterers come to call, the video footage you show the police afterward may not be enough to recover your losses.

If you’re still unsure whether private security is necessary, consider these points, you’ll find just a few of the most common reasons business owners switch to private security.

·         Preventing theft. Shrinkage is one of the most widespread concerns of business owners throughout the world. But with a uniformed security presence, many thieves are deterred from attempting theft.

·         Discouraging loiterers. If you’ve ever been faced with the challenge of getting an unruly customer to leave, private security is perfect for you. Leave the work of evicting unwanted guests to highly trained security personnel.

·         Enhancing safety. Employees and guests want to feel safe in your establishment. Having a visible form of security present can go a long way in helping your establishment’s image as a comfortable, secure space.

Find out what business owners are asking for when they retain private security in Louisiana. Now you can know what to expect when you shop around. Feel reassured when you contact the professionals at National Security & Protective Services.