Tuesday, December 3, 2019

When Do You Need Security Guard Services?

security guard services in Fort Worth, TX

When you start to look at the local and national crime statistics--the amount of robberies, burglaries, and thefts on a daily basis--it becomes pretty easy to understand why some form of security is needed at almost any type of business. While there are many different forms of security a business can hire or install, nothing quite beats the effectiveness of classic security guard services in Fort Worth, TX.

By working with a professional private security firm, you are able to deliver the right level of protection you need for your property, employees, and clients. Some of the most pivotal reasons to choose a private security guard service for your property include:

They Are Rigorously Trained – From customer services and threat awareness to anti-terrorism and crisis management, guards are trained in a variety of different ways to ensure that their presence gives your company an overall boost in effectiveness and safety.

They Are Crisis Experts – When emergencies happen, it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly what to do and how to respond. Thanks to their training in crisis and emergency management, your private guards are able to assist you in any of these demanding situations to ensure you and your staff are safe and sound.

They Are True Professionals – Security guards know that their mere presence can act as a major deterrent to potential criminals. That is why they always present themselves in crisp, clean, well-maintained uniforms and a well-groomed appearance. They also adhere to a strict code of conduct so that they always perfectly represent not only their company but yours as well.

Benefits of Hiring Private Security

Private Security in Fort Worth, TX
Unfortunately, the world can be a very dangerous place. As a business owner, you know it is your job to ensure that you, your building, and your employees are all secure. One of the best ways to do that is to hire private security in Fort Worth, TX, for your building. There are many different reasons why an on-site security force is a smart idea for your business, including:

Feel Safer & More Secure – No matter what type of business you operate, having private security on your premises will instantly make both your clients as well as your employees feel better protected. This helps to boost confidence in your business, which can also help with productivity and performance.

Around-the-Clock Protection – High-profile members of your staff could be targets to criminals. With a private security firm on your side, you can make sure that these important people have the protection they need when they travel.

Preventive Action – Reducing the amount of risk to your building and employees helps stop bad things from happening. A security firm is capable of acting as an effective deterrent against criminal mischief.

Surveillance – By keeping an eye on your property both during the day and the night, security professionals are able to quickly respond to any issues without delay.

Training – Most private security guards have undergone extensive training to ensure that they know exactly what to do in almost any type of security situation. This helps reduce risk and increase safety for you, your employees, and your clients.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Benefits of Hiring a Security Services Company

Security Services Company in Louisiana

There are many benefits beyond the obvious one of hiring a security services company for your business, organization, or neighborhood.

The staff at National Security & Protective Services, Inc., has come up with this blog post to illustrate several of the benefits of hiring a security services company in Louisiana. With this information, you will be able to make the correct decision on which company best suits your needs. 

Let’s start by taking a look at the obvious. With a professional security company overseeing your property, it’s safe, and so is anyone who happens to be there. It is the most prominent one because it’s the most important. Providing a safe and secure property and protecting anyone who is using it is the leading reason security companies exist.

Other relevant benefits come from hiring an outside firm as well. One of them is the fact that by using a company that provides fully trained officers and dependable equipment, you don’t have to. You don’t need to recruit, hire, and train officers and then equip them. You save a lot of time and significant ongoing expenses by going this route.

Speaking of saving time and money, you also save more of the same by not having the security staff on your payroll. You don’t need to offer them benefits and vacation pay and so on because that is the responsibility of their company.

What to Look for in Security Guard Services

Security Guard Services in Fort Worth

Your company, organization, or event is in the market for security guards, but you don’t know exactly what sets one agency apart from another. You need to know what to look for in security guard services so that you can make the best decision for your situation.

The team at National Security & Protective Services, Inc., has encountered this issue before with clients and has put together this blog post to provide information to make the decision easier.

The first thing you want to look for in security guard services in Fort Worth is the quality of the company’s leadership, because outstanding service begins at the top. Experienced professional leaders ensure a quality team.

You also require a company that’s responsive to your needs. A cookie-cutter approach to security doesn’t work well, so make sure you find a company that is willing to determine your particular security profile and develop a plan that fits. Also, make sure the company you choose is staffed by fully qualified and trained officers, and they are equipped and prepared to undertake tasks such as access control and mobile patrols.

A company that also provides private investigator services is beneficial to have under contract because you can have them employ those skills as well if the need arises. It’s much more efficient than having to engage another firm to gather vital facts and evidence.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Security Companies are Good for Business and the Economy

Security Companies in Louisiana
Security companies in Louisiana, like National Security & Protective Services, Inc. have much to offer potential clients and the community at large. We’ll look more closely at a few of those considerations here; some of them are obvious and apparent while others are more subtle.

For starters, security companies are good for business because they offer protection for staff, customers, and property. It’s easier to attract qualified staff and good customer volume when they know the location is secure.

Prices are kept reasonable because professional security guards, uniformed or plain clothes, are good at detecting and cutting down on shoplifting and other forms of theft. When a company loses less stock, it can keep prices down and the general public benefits.

In addition to minimizing loss due to theft, security officers also help businesses keep costs down by decreasing the amount of, and potential for, vandalism at the facilities they guard. Fewer incidents of destruction mean fewer repair costs passed along to consumers through higher prices.

This one is apparent as well, but it’s important. Hiring a security company for your business means that people have jobs. Employment is good for the overall economy for many reasons.

Speaking of employment, when you have private officers handling security at your firm, it’s quite likely that your dependence on local police is diminished and they can deal with other duties.

Four Benefits of Choosing a Private Security Firm

Private Security in Louisiana
If your business needs safety and security, you’ve got several factors to consider. Do you settle for locks and alarms? Do you provide your own guards or hire a private security firm?

The most effective response is to hire professionals. There are many reasons for this and our staff at National Security & Protective Services, Inc. has assembled the main ones here.

11.  Your personnel and property are protected. It’s obvious, but it’s vital. When you have on-site security, it gives peace of mind to your employees that situations will be handled and lets you know your property and inventory is safe.
22.  You don’t have to hire and train security staff. This is a major consideration because it’s time-consuming and expensive to recruit and train security officers. By hiring a security company, you let them take care of developing professional security agents.
33.  Your company doesn’t have to pay benefits, vacation pay, and so on. This goes hand in hand with the previous point, but it’s important on its own. Simply sign a contract with the private security firm and let them take care of the financial responsibilities and paperwork for its staff.
You get the officers and support you need. When you choose private security in Louisiana, you can have the number of agents you require for your security concerns. If you need more, just ask for more. Also, you can have them conduct mobile patrols, access control, or any other service you require.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

How Event Security Services Companies Keep Venues Safe

Security Services Company in Louisiana | NationalSecurityUS.org
An uncomfortable but inescapable reality of our times is that the threat of violence is real and always present. In the wake of such tragedies as Pulse Nightclub in 2016 and the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in 2017, the need for secure performance venues has become a public safety priority.

As policymakers grapple with the issues, security services companies in Louisiana and across the nation have risen to the occasion to keep public spaces safe. Here is how hiring a security firm can prevent danger--and save lives.

1) Deterrence: The presence of uniformed security guards and physical barriers send a clear message: violence will not be tolerated. Security checkpoints and guards posted around a venue act as deterrents against unlawful behavior and violence.

2) Disarmament: Security checkpoints around venues are an effective means of neutralizing bad actors before they even gain entry to the building. Security firms work with building managers to draft a screening policy and then enact it.  Guards can confiscate items that can be used as weapons--including blades and firearms. They can even deny entry or expel people who are exhibiting dangerous behavior.

3) Responsiveness: As trained and experienced municipal first responders may be, it still takes time for them to mobilize in case of an emergency. A seasoned security firm often serves as the first line of defense in case trouble occurs. Many security services companies can provide quick response measures and attempt to control or defuse a dangerous situation before it escalates.

Preparedness saves lives. By choosing a seasoned security team, you can ensure trouble stays away from your venue.

What Security Guards Look for on Patrol

Many companies hire a security agency in New Orleans, LA, to reduce the likelihood of crime in their facilities—and respond to threats in case emergencies occur. While many passersby may just see guards walking around the premises, the fact of the matter is that they are doing much more than making rounds. Here are a few functions guards may perform while on patrol:

1) Check the Entryways: A guard may patrol the perimeter and hallways of a building to check the doors and entryways. They take note of signs of possible vandalism or sabotage and report on anything out of the ordinary.

2) Suspicious Object Sweeping: With acts of terror and destruction becoming a near-daily occurrence, security agencies have been redoubling their efforts to stop trouble before it escalates. Along their patrol routes, guards keep an eye out for suspicious packages. They are trained to respond to abnormal situations.

3) Taking Note of Unknown Persons: Guards must also be on the lookout for suspicious persons who may be loitering or engaging in strange behavior. Experienced guards are well-versed in reading body language to determine if someone poses a risk to the facility.

Security guards must have the training and experience to identify and respond to potential threats with alacrity and professionalism. Often, they are the first line of defense if something goes wrong. As such, regular patrols are a staple function of their service so that they might stop danger from ever befalling the area.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

4 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Security Guard Provider

There’s no shortage of security companies in Louisiana to choose from when you need a little added protection. With your property and reputation on the line, it’s important to choose wisely. Use these questions to help you choose between security companies in Louisiana. By staying informed, you safeguard yourself from subpar service.  These four questions can help you narrow down your choices:

How Long Have You Been in Business?
Though not always indicative of quality, experience is one of the most important factors in evaluating a security service. Look for providers with at least 10-15 years in the field, and don’t be afraid to ask what they include as relevant history.

Who Do They Hire?
It’s no secret that the most trusted security agencies work with former military, police, and private sector professionals. These are the people who will be guarding your property, so don’t settle for just anyone off the street.

How Do They Hire?
Just as important as the people a company wants to attract is how they do the attracting. You want an agency that offers solid career opportunities and provides for the people they pay so that there’s no incentive to be lax on the job.

Do They Offer Additional Training?
Finally, you want a company that continuously elevates its employees’ level of skill with additional training. That way, they’re familiar with the current industry standards and more likely to work well together under a cohesive set of procedures and expectations.

3 Signs You Need Help with Commercial Property Security

When should your business in New Orleans, LA, hire a security agency? Look for these crucial signs to ensure that your property remains safe.

Protecting your property is an important part of running a business. From keeping valuable equipment out of harm’s way to preventing potential liability concerns, safety is as much a part of your success as a sound financial strategy. But how do you know when it’s time to turn to a professional security agency in New Orleans, LA? Here are three key signs to look out for:

You’re Expanding Your Operations—The larger a property is, the more ground there is to cover. At some point, your employees won’t be able to manage security concerns effectively without you having to add professionals to your payroll.

Expensive Equipment Is in Play—For many businesses, a single piece of gear being damaged can sideline the entire operation for the time it takes to get repairs. If your equipment is delicate, central to your process, or otherwise mission-critical, investing in security is probably worth the cost.

You Have a Notable Public Presence—Expanding your brand is great for business. It also means more traffic, more unfamiliar faces, and greater awareness of the valuables stored in your company’s walls. The bigger your name is, the more you’re likely to need a solid security service to prevent breaches in your property’s protection—both intentional and accidental.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Benefits of Using Private Security Officers in Hospitals

Even though today’s hospitals are equipped with surveillance systems, sometimes surveillance systems aren’t enough. Consider hiring private security officers from National Security & Protective Services, a leading security agency in Louisiana, so your area hospital can address threats more immediately than surveillance cameras can.

Unfortunately, the rates of physical violence in hospitals have increased over the years. Patients, visitors, and hospital employees may be subject to threats or assault. The presence of security officers helps to deter potential offenders from committing violent acts because they realize they will probably get caught. Also, when physical altercations do occur, you have trained officers who can quickly address the situation before any serious harm is done.

Security personnel onsite also help to deter theft and ensure that thieves are caught before they get away. In addition to petty theft, medications are often stolen from hospitals, which is considered a more serious crime. Choosing to hire a trained security officer ensures you have assistance in such situations as these.

Violence may not always be the top concern to be addressed. Even non-violent disorderly conduct, such as billing disputes, can have consequences. When patients or visitors are belligerent, they need to be calmed down. If no security officers are present, this responsibility falls on doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. The job of staff members should not be to deal with unruly visitors, because that takes time and energy away from treating their patients.

Call National Security & Protective Services at (877) 817-1777 to find out more about how we can help assure the safety and security of everyone in your hospital or medical facility.

Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to our blog! Thanks for your interest in our private security agency, which provides security for businesses of all sizes and complexities. You can trust our trained staff because all of our backgrounds are in the military, law enforcement, and private security firms. We’ve got you covered whether you need special discrete protection of individuals or you require investigative expertise. Our goal is your safety, security, and peace of mind.

We tailor all of our security packages to suit the needs and budgets of our clients. We offer a wide range of security services, including the following, which are only some of the areas we specialize in:

·         Protection of Industrial Property
·         Executive Protection
·         Building Surveillance & Security
·         Services for Transportation
·         Hostile Termination Services
·         Asset Protection
·         Special Event Security
·         Private Investigations
·         Loss Prevention
·         Gate Duty

Our commitment is to the highest standards and best practices in the professional security industry. We have patrol cars and uniformed officers available for any application you need from a security agency in Louisiana. Although we keep up with cutting-edge technology and the advancement in training techniques, our pricing remains competitive. Rely on the friendly professionals at National Security & Protective Services to develop and implement a security plan that provides the solutions you need for a job of any size.

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Most Common Requests for Security Services

Most business owners employ some form of security. Whether it’s video surveillance, theft alarms, or uniformed personnel, the majority of proprietors have taken steps to protect their livelihoods. But have you?

As a business owner, it’s important to understand why having private security in Louisiana is a smart move for your profits and your people. Crime comes in many forms, and when thieves, vandals, or loiterers come to call, the video footage you show the police afterward may not be enough to recover your losses.

If you’re still unsure whether private security is necessary, consider these points, you’ll find just a few of the most common reasons business owners switch to private security.

·         Preventing theft. Shrinkage is one of the most widespread concerns of business owners throughout the world. But with a uniformed security presence, many thieves are deterred from attempting theft.

·         Discouraging loiterers. If you’ve ever been faced with the challenge of getting an unruly customer to leave, private security is perfect for you. Leave the work of evicting unwanted guests to highly trained security personnel.

·         Enhancing safety. Employees and guests want to feel safe in your establishment. Having a visible form of security present can go a long way in helping your establishment’s image as a comfortable, secure space.

Find out what business owners are asking for when they retain private security in Louisiana. Now you can know what to expect when you shop around. Feel reassured when you contact the professionals at National Security & Protective Services.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Qualities of a Great Security Company

When it comes to protecting what matters most—your livelihood—it makes sense to shop around for professional security services in Louisiana that meet all your needs. If a security company doesn’t offer the exact level of protection and supervision your shop needs to remain totally safe, then you shouldn’t have to settle.

But how do you know which company is the best fit for your business and your goals? Think about which traits are must-haves when it comes to modern security.

1. They listen to your needs. No two businesses are alike, so security services should never be one-size-fits-all. A truly high-quality security company will personalize their services according to your concerns and preferences.

2. They get to know your business. The mark of a competent professional security service is a personal interest in your business’s day-to-day routine. Your security providers should spend a reasonable amount of time learning about your operation.

3. They invest in their people. Security personnel are best able to protect you, your business, and your merchandise when their employers invest in their skills. A great security company will have their team undergo training programs and offer competitive pay.

Find out why National Security & Protective Services is the best-equipped to provide professional security services. In Louisiana, there are many different companies from which to choose.