Even though today’s hospitals are equipped with surveillance systems, sometimes surveillance
systems aren’t enough. Consider hiring private security officers from National
Security & Protective Services, a leading security agency in Louisiana, so your
area hospital can address threats more immediately than surveillance cameras can.
Unfortunately, the rates of physical violence in
hospitals have increased over the years. Patients, visitors, and hospital
employees may be subject to threats or assault. The presence of security
officers helps to deter potential offenders from committing violent acts
because they realize they will probably get caught. Also, when physical
altercations do occur, you have trained officers who can quickly address the
situation before any serious harm is done.
Security personnel onsite also help to deter theft and
ensure that thieves are caught before
they get away. In addition to petty theft, medications are often stolen from hospitals, which is considered a more serious
crime. Choosing to hire a trained security officer ensures you have assistance
in such situations as these.
Violence may not always be the top concern to be
addressed. Even non-violent disorderly conduct, such as billing disputes, can
have consequences. When patients or visitors are belligerent, they need to be
calmed down. If no security officers are present, this responsibility falls on
doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. The job of staff members should not
be to deal with unruly visitors, because that takes time and energy away from treating
their patients.
Call National Security & Protective Services at (877)
817-1777 to find out more about how we can help assure the safety and security
of everyone in your hospital or medical facility.